Thursday, October 29, 2009

Farming difficulties, expectations, methods

Methods: Plowing: they have a horse or an ox pulling a sharp blade across the ground and it the farmer has to be carefull to not hit any stumps, rocks and roots or it will screw up the blade
Seeding: they have a triangle with nails sticking out of the bottom of the bord and you drag that across the ground as well
Harvesting: they used a scythe to chop down the crops

Difficulties:lots of the methods didn't work because there was to many roots and rocks.Durring the winter frost ruined all of the methods because there would be lots of frost and perma frost

Expectations:The pionners expected to feed there family and sell there crops on markets so they can buy other stuff like cloths and other needed objects to survive in the worldness. They also had to feed there animals with food they grow. They have to do most of there farming was done in the summer because in the winter there is snow and perma frost and you cant plow or harvest in that weather.

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